De Parade x Kunstbende

De Parade x Kunstbende is a proposal to the festival de Parade about 
reviewing the way guests enter their terrain. 

In this proposal, the entrance would not be a regular ticket booth, but rather a stage.
This stage would have a program with the young talents from Kunstbende. 
They usually don’t need much space, as they make do with what they have,
creating a fun opportunity for everyone. 

By placing the ticket booth behind the stage, rather than in front of it,
people would be able to watch the stage even without having to buy a ticket for the 
festival. This creates a dynamic space between the existing neighborhood and 
people that visit the festival, making the barrier to interact with each other
a lot lower. 

Next to interaction with the neighborhood, the artists from Kunstbende will also
attract a new audience for de Parade, as they are young and often bring friends
to their performances. This will help to change the existing Parade audience
and attract more young people and new families. 


︎ @allesisvansam | ︎ | ︎ BluLines

I think that’s all ;)